No cenário de segurança moderna em constante evolução, a demanda por sistemas de vigilância robustos e confiáveis nunca foi tão alta. DAHUA, um nome destacado na indústria de segurança, se destaca por sua tecnologia de ponta e desempenho excepcional. Como líder mundial em soluções de segurança, a DAHUA oferece uma gama completa de câmeras e sistemas de vigilância projetados para atender a diversas necessidades de segurança. Este blog explorará os sistemas de posicionamento DAHUA, câmeras PTZ WiFi, câmeras PTZ 4G, câmeras PTZ 5G e câmeras à prova de explosão, destacando suas características únicas e cenários de aplicação.
Visão Geral dos Sistemas de Vigilância DAHUA
Os sistemas de vigilância DAHUA são conhecidos por seu processamento de imagens de alta qualidade, opções de instalação flexíveis e recursos avançados de análise inteligente. Esses sistemas são projetados para fornecer desempenho confiável em diversos ambientes, desde áreas urbanas até locais industriais remotos. Seja para proteger propriedades comerciais, instalações industriais ou espaços públicos, as soluções de vigilância completas da DAHUA são projetadas para entregar resultados.
Sistemas de Posicionamento DAHUA
Os sistemas de posicionamento DAHUA são projetados para monitoramento de alta precisão, tornando-os ideais para aplicações de vigilância em larga escala. Esses sistemas possuem poderosas capacidades de zoom e clareza de imagem superior, perfeitos para proteger infraestruturas críticas, garantir a segurança das fronteiras e monitorar grandes espaços públicos. Seu design robusto garante desempenho consistente mesmo em condições adversas.
Cenários de Aplicação:
- Infraestruturas Críticas: Proteja usinas de energia, instalações de tratamento de água e outros serviços essenciais com monitoramento de alta precisão.
- Segurança Fronteiriça: Monitore vastas áreas de fronteira com poderosas capacidades de zoom e construção durável.
- Espaços Públicos: Garanta a segurança em grandes espaços, como estádios, salas de concertos e aeroportos, com vigilância clara e abrangente.
Câmeras PTZ WiFi DAHUA
As câmeras PTZ WiFi da DAHUA oferecem a conveniência da conectividade sem fio, permitindo uma instalação flexível e fácil. Essas câmeras são ideais para áreas residenciais, pequenas empresas e configurações de monitoramento temporárias onde a fiação não é prática. Combinando vídeo de alta definição com comunicação sem fio, essas câmeras garantem integração perfeita em redes existentes.
Cenários de Aplicação:
- Áreas Residenciais: Monitore casas e bairros sem a necessidade de uma fiação extensa.
- Pequenas Empresas: Melhore a segurança em lojas de varejo e escritórios com instalação sem fio flexível.
- Monitoramento Temporário: Ideal para eventos ou canteiros de obras onde instalações permanentes não são práticas.
Câmeras PTZ 4G DAHUA
As câmeras PTZ 4G da DAHUA utilizam redes celulares para fornecer vigilância em tempo real em locais remotos ou móveis. Essas câmeras são perfeitas para canteiros de obras, monitoramento de eventos e situações onde a conectividade de rede tradicional não está disponível. A conectividade 4G garante transmissão confiável de vídeo de alta qualidade, mesmo nos ambientes mais desafiadores.
Cenários de Aplicação:
- Canteiros de Obras: Monitore o progresso e garanta a segurança em áreas sem infraestrutura de rede fixa.
- Monitoramento de Eventos: Garanta a segurança em eventos ao ar livre, como festivais e shows, com soluções de vigilância móveis.
- Locais Remotos: Mantenha a vigilância em áreas isoladas onde outras opções de conectividade são limitadas.
Câmeras PTZ 5G DAHUA
A mais recente adição à linha DAHUA são as câmeras PTZ 5G. Essas câmeras aproveitam o poder das redes 5G ultrarrápidas para oferecer desempenho e confiabilidade incomparáveis. Com menor latência e maior largura de banda, as câmeras PTZ 5G são perfeitas para aplicações de cidades inteligentes, áreas de alto tráfego e monitoramento de infraestruturas críticas. Elas oferecem transmissões de vídeo em alta definição em tempo real, tornando-se essenciais para as necessidades de vigilância moderna.
Cenários de Aplicação:
- Cidades Inteligentes: Integre-se à infraestrutura urbana para melhorar a gestão do tráfego e a segurança pública.
- Áreas de Alto Tráfego: Monitore interseções movimentadas, shopping centers e centros de transporte com vídeo de alta largura de banda e baixa latência.
- Monitoramento de Infraestruturas Críticas: Forneça vigilância em tempo real para instalações vitais com conectividade e desempenho aprimorados.
Câmeras à Prova de Explosão DAHUA
As câmeras à prova de explosão DAHUA são especialmente projetadas para operar em ambientes perigosos onde gases inflamáveis, vapores ou poeira podem estar presentes. Essas câmeras robustas são construídas para suportar condições extremas, garantindo operação contínua e segurança em indústrias como petróleo e gás, processamento químico, mineração e farmacêutica. Sua construção robusta e técnicas avançadas de vedação impedem que qualquer faísca ou calor gerado pela câmera inflame a atmosfera circundante, protegendo assim o pessoal e os equipamentos.
Cenários de Aplicação:
- Petróleo e Gás: Proteja plataformas de petróleo, refinarias e plantas de gás com câmeras capazes de suportar ambientes explosivos.
- Processamento Químico: Monitore instalações de produção química onde substâncias voláteis são manuseadas.
- Mineração: Garanta a segurança e a vigilância em minas onde poeira e gases representam riscos de explosão.
- Farmacêutica: Mantenha a vigilância em áreas de fabricação farmacêutica com requisitos rígidos de segurança.
DAHUA PTZ85848-HNF-PA 8MP 48x Starlight IR WizMind Network Positioning System
8MP 48x Starlight IR WizMind Network Positioning System
> 48× optical zoom
> Starlight technology
> Max. 25/30 fps@8M
> IR distance up to 400 m
> H.265 encoding
> Two-way audio
> IP67
> Auto-tracking
> Perimeter protection
> face recognition
DAHUA PTZ85260-HNF-PA-FL 2MP 60x Starlight Laser AI Network Positioning System
2MP 60x Starlight Laser AI Network Positioning System
> 1/1.8″ 2Megapixel STARVIS™ CMOS
> 60× optical zoom
> Starlight technology
> Max. 25/30 fps@2M
> Laser distance up to 1000 m
> H.265 encoding
> Two-way audio
> IP67
> Auto-tracking
> Perimeter protection
> face recognition
> Optical fiber
DAHUA PTZ85260-HNF-PA 2MP 60x Starlight IR WizMind Network Positioning System
2MP 60x Starlight IR WizMind Network Positioning System
> 60× optical zoom
> Starlight technology
> Max. 25/30 fps@2M
> IR distance up to 400 m
> H.265 encoding
> Two-way audio
> IP67
> Auto-tracking
> Perimeter protection
> face recognition
DAHUA PTZ37225-HNP-XB-A-EG 2MP 25x Starlight Positioning System
2MP 25x Starlight Positioning System
> 25× optical zoom.
> Starlight technology.
> Max. 50/60 fps@1080p.
> IR distance up to 150 m.
> White light distance up to 50 m.
> Auto-tracking .
> IVS (Perimeter Protection).
> Job Monitoring.
> SMD Plus.
> IP67.
DAHUA PTZ1A225-HNR-GB 2MP 25× Starlight IR Positioning System
2MP 25× Starlight IR Positioning System
> 1/2.8″ 2Megapixel STARVIS™ CMOS.
> 25x optical zoom.
> Starlight technology.
> IR distance up to 150 m.
> Auto-tracking.
> Perimeter protection.
> Face detection.
> Video Metadata.
> IP67.
DAHUA PTZ83440-HNF-PA 4MP 40× Starlight IR AI Network Positioning System
4MP 40× Starlight IR AI Network Positioning System
> Powerful 40x optical zoom
> Starlight technology
> Max. 25/30 fps@4M
> IR distance up to 350 m
> Perimeter protection
> Video Metadata
> Face recognition
> Auto-tracking
DAHUA PTZ85448-HNF-PA-FL 4MP 48x Starlight Laser AI Network Positioning System
4MP 48x Starlight Laser AI Network Positioning System
> 1/1.8″ 4Megapixel STARVIS™ CMOS
> 48× optical zoom
> Starlight technology
> Max. 25/30 fps@4M
> Laser distance up to 1000 m
> H.265 encoding
> Two-way audio
> IP67
> Auto-tracking
> Perimeter protection
> face recognition
> Optical fiber
DAHUA PTZ85448-HNF-PA 4MP 48x Starlight IR WizMind Network Positioning System
4MP 48x Starlight IR WizMind Network Positioning System
> 48× optical zoom
> Starlight technology
> Max. 25/30 fps@4M
> IR distance up to 400 m
> H.265 encoding
> Two-way audio
> IP67
> Auto-tracking
> Perimeter protection
> face recognition
DAHUA PTZ85848-HNF-PA-FL 8MP 48x Starlight Laser AI Network Positioning System
8MP 48x Starlight Laser AI Network Positioning System
> 1/1.8″ 8Megapixel STARVIS™ CMOS
> 48× optical zoom
> Starlight technology
> Max. 25/30 fps@8M
> Laser distance up to 1000 m
> H.265 encoding
> Two-way audio
> IP67
> Auto-tracking
> Perimeter protection
> face recognition
> Optical fiber
DAHUA SD8A840PA-HNF-5G 8MP 40x 5G Starlight WizMind Network PTZ Camera
8MP 40x 5G Starlight WizMind Network PTZ Camera
> 1/1.8″ 8Megapixel STARVIS™ CMOS.
> 40× optical zoom.
> Starlight technology.
> Max. 25/30fps@4K.
> IR distance up to 500 m.
> Auto Tracking 3.0.
> Face recognition.
> IP67.
> 5G.
DAHUA SD8A440PA-HNF-5G 4MP 40x 5G Starlight WizMind Network PTZ Camera
4MP 40x 5G Starlight WizMind Network PTZ Camera
> 1/1.8″ 4Megapixel STARVIS™ CMOS.
> 40× optical zoom.
> Starlight technology.
> Max. 50/60 fps@4M.
> IR distance up to 500 m.
> Auto Tracking 3.0.
> Face recognition.
> IP67.
> 5G.
DAHUA SD2A200HB-GN-AGQ-PV-SP-LA 2MP 4G Solar Power Network PT Camera
2MP 4G Solar Power Network PT Camera
> Supports solar power, making it ideal for use in locations that have difficulty accessing electricity and network.
> 2-MP 1/2.8″ CMOS sensor, low luminance, and high definition
> H.265 codec that supports high compression ratio and an ultra-low bit rate. · Built-in warm light and IR LED.
> Sound and light alarm linkage. When the alarm is triggered, the sound and light will be linked.
> Built in high-performance 4G Module that suits all mobile networks.
> Built-in PIR sensor triggers the camera to quickly track and monitor targets.
> Supports two-way talk.
> Supports max. 512 G Micro SD card.
DAHUA SD2A400HB-GN-AGQ-PV-SP-LA 4MP 4G Solar Power Network PT Camera
> Supports solar power, making it ideal for use in locations that have difficulty accessing electricity and network.
> 4-MP 1/2.8″ CMOS sensor, low luminance, and high definition
> H.265 codec that supports high compression ratio and an ultra-low bit rate.
> Built-in warm light and IR LED.
> Sound and light alarm linkage. When the alarm is triggered, the sound and light will be linked.
> Built in high-performance 4G Module that suits all mobile networks.
> Built-in PIR sensor triggers the camera to quickly track and monitor targets.
> Supports two-way talk.
> Supports max. 512 G Micro SD card.
DAHUA SD2A400HB-GN-AGQ-PV-SP-EAU 4MP 4G Solar Power Network PT Camera
4MP 4G Solar Power Network PT Camera
> Supports solar power, making it ideal for use in locations that have difficulty accessing electricity and network.
> 4-MP 1/2.8″ CMOS sensor, low luminance, and high definition
> H.265 codec that supports high compression ratio and an ultra-low bit rate.
> Built-in warm light and IR LED.
> Sound and light alarm linkage. When the alarm is triggered, the sound and light will be linked.
> Built in high-performance 4G Module that suits all mobile networks.
> Built-in PIR sensor triggers the camera to quickly track and monitor targets.
> Supports two-way talk.
> Supports max. 512 G Micro SD card.
> 1/2.8″ 4Megapixel STARVIS™ CMOS.
> 25x optical zoom.
> Starlight technology.
> Max. 25/30fps@4M.
> IR distance up to 100 m.
> Perimeter protection.
> Face detection.
> SMD 3.0.
> IP66.
> 4G.
DAHUA SD49425DB-HNY-GQ-EAU 4MP 25x Starlight IR 4G Network PTZ Camera
4MP 25x Starlight IR 4G Network PTZ Camera
> 1/2.8″ 4Megapixel STARVIS™ CMOS.
> 25x optical zoom.
> Starlight technology.
> Max. 25/30fps@4M.
> IR distance up to 100 m.
> Perimeter protection.
> Face detection.
> SMD 3.0.
> IP66.
> 4G.
DHAUA KIT/DH-PFM378-B125-CB/DH-SD49425DB-HNY-GQ-LA Integrated Solar Monitoring System(Without Lithium Battery)
Integrated Solar Monitoring System(Without Lithium Battery)
> Angle flexible adjustment of solar panel and camera mount.
> 125 W Monocrystalline solar panel.
> Aluminum alloy frame.
> Built sturdy to resist storms with sustained winds up to 117 km/h. (Note: The following four functions are only supported when battery power is used.)
> Remote monitoring available through the mobile app.
> Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) charging controller.
> RS-485 communication.
> Electric protection.
> 1/2.8″ 4Megapixel STARVIS™ CMOS.
> 25x optical zoom.
> Starlight technology.
> Max. 25/30fps@4M.
> IR distance up to 100 m.
> Perimeter protection.
> Face detection.
> SMD 3.0.
> IP66 rated.
DAHUA KIT/DH-PFM378-B125-CB/DH-SD49425DB-HNY-GQ-EAU Integrated Solar Monitoring System(Without Lithium Battery)
Integrated Solar Monitoring System(Without Lithium Battery)
> Angle flexible adjustment of solar panel and camera mount.
> 125 W Monocrystalline solar panel.
> Aluminum alloy frame.
> Built sturdy to resist storms with sustained winds up to 117 km/h. (Note: The following four functions are only supported when battery power is used.)
> Remote monitoring available through the mobile app.
> Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) charging controller.
> RS-485 communication.
> Electric protection.
> 1/2.8″ 4Megapixel STARVIS CMOS.
> 25x optical zoom.
> Starlight technology.
> Max. 25/30fps@4M.
> IR distance up to 100 m.
> Perimeter protection.
> Face detection.
> SMD 3.0.
> IP66 rated.
DAHUA SD6C3432GB-HNR-AGQ-PV1-EAU 4MP 32x Starlight TiOC WizSense Network PTZ Camera
4MP 32x Starlight TiOC WizSense Network PTZ Camera
> 1/2.8″ 4Megapixel STARVIS™ CMOS.
> 32x optical zoom.
> Starlight technology.
> Max. 25/30fps@4MP.
> IR distance up to 150 m.
> Auto-tracking 3.0.
> Perimeter protection.
> Face detection.
> 4G
> SMD 4.0.
> Smart Dual Light.
> IP66.
DAHUA SD6C3432GB-HNR-AGQ-PV1-LA 4MP 32x Starlight TiOC WizSense Network PTZ Camera
4MP 32x Starlight TiOC WizSense Network PTZ Camera
> 1/2.8″ 4Megapixel STARVIS™ CMOS.
> 32x optical zoom.
> Starlight technology.
> Max. 25/30fps@4MP.
> IR distance up to 150 m.
> Auto-tracking 3.0.
> Perimeter protection.
> Face detection.
> 4G
> SMD 4.0.
> Smart Dual Light.
> IP66.
DAHUA SD22204DB-GNY-W 2MP 4x Starlight WizSense Network PTZ Camera
2MP 4x Starlight WizSense Network PTZ Camera
> 1/2.8″ STARVIS™ CMOS.
> Powerful 4x optical zoom.
> Max. 25/30fps@1080P.
> Max 100°/s pan speed.
> Supports face detection.
> Support Wi-Fi.
> IP66, IK10.
> SMD 3.0.
> 6000V lightning-proof
DAHUA SD22404DB-GNY-W 4MP 4x Starlight WizSense Network PTZ Camera
4MP 4x Starlight WizSense Network PTZ Camera
> 1/2.8″ STARVIS™ CMOS.
> Powerful 4x optical zoom.
> Max.25/30fps@4M/3M.
> Max 100°/s pan speed.
> Supports face detection.
> Support Wi-Fi.
> IP66, IK10.
> SMD 3.0.
> 6000V lightning-proof
DAHUA SD3C405DB-GNY-AW-PV 4MP 5x Smart Dual Light WizSense Wi-Fi Network PTZ Camera
4MP 5x Smart Dual Light WizSense Wi-Fi Network PTZ Camera
> 1/2.8″ 4Megapixel CMOS.
> 5x optical zoom.
> Max. 25/30fps@4MP.
> IR distance up to 50m.
> Warm light illumination distance up to 30 m.
> Built-in Mic and Speaker for Two-way Talk.
> Perimeter protection.
> SMD 3.0.
> Wi-Fi.
> IP66.
DAHUA SD3C205DB-GNY-AW-PV 2MP 5x Smart Dual Light WizSense Wi-Fi Network PTZ Camera
2MP 5x Smart Dual Light WizSense Wi-Fi Network PTZ Camera
> 1/2.8″ 2Megapixel CMOS.
> 5x optical zoom.
> Max. 25/30fps@1080P.
> IR distance up to 50m.
> Warm light illumination distance up to 30 m.
> Built-in Mic and Speaker for Two-way Talk.
> Perimeter protection.
> SMD 3.0.
> Wi-Fi.
> IP66.
DAHUA SD1A204DB-GNY-W 2MP 4x Starlight IR WizSense Network PTZ Camera
2MP 4x Starlight IR WizSense Network PTZ Camera
> 1/2.8″ 2Megapixel CMOS.
> 4x optical zoom.
> Starlight technology.
> Max. 25/30 fps@2MP.
> IR distance up to 20 m.
> Perimeter protection.
> Face detection.
> SMD 3.0.
> Built-in Mic.
> IP66; IK08.
DAHUA SD1A404DB-GNY-W 4MP 4x Starlight IR WizSense Network PTZ Camera
4MP 4x Starlight IR WizSense Network PTZ Camera
> 1/2.8″ 4Megapixel CMOS.
> 4x optical zoom.
> Starlight technology.
> Max. 25/30 fps@4MP.
> IR distance up to 20 m.
> Perimeter protection.
> Face detection.
> SMD 3.0.
> Built-in Mic.
> IP66; IK08.
DAHUA SD1A404DB-GNY-W-PV 4MP 4x Starlight IR WizSense Network PTZ Camera
4MP 4x Starlight IR WizSense Network PTZ Camera
> 1/2.8”4Megapixel CMOS.
> 4x optical zoom.
> Starlight technology.
> Max. 25/30 fps@4MP.
> IR distance up to 20 m.
> Perimeter protection.
> Face detection.
> SMD 3.0.
> Built-in Mic; Built-in speaker.
> IP66; IK08.
DAHUA SD29204DB-GNY-W 2MP 4x IR WizSense Network PTZ Camera
2MP 4x IR WizSense Network PTZ Camera
> 1/2.8″ 2Megapixel CMOS.
> Max. 25/30fps@1080P.
> IR distance up to 50 m.
> 4x optical zoom.
> WDR.
> SMD 3.0.
> Built-in Mic.
> Wi-Fi.
DAHUA SD29404DB-GNY-W 4MP 4x IR WizSense Network PTZ Camera
4MP 4x IR WizSense Network PTZ Camera
> 1/2.8″ 4Megapixel CMOS.
> Max. 25/30fps@4MP.
> IR distance up to 50 m.
> 4x optical zoom.
> WDR.
> SMD 3.0.
> Built-in Mic.
> Wi-Fi
DAHUA SD8A840PA-HNF-SL 8MP 40× Anti-corrosion WizMind PTZ Camera
8MP 40× Anti-corrosion WizMind PTZ Camera
> 1/1.8” 8Megapixel STARVIS™ CMOS.
> 40x optical zoom.
> Starlight technology.
> IR distance up to 500 m.
> Auto-tracking.
> Perimeter protection.
> Face detection.
> Face recognition.
> Metadata.
> IP67.
> Anti-corrosion coating.
DAHUA SD5A225GB-HNR-SL 2MP 25x Starlight IR WizSense Network PTZ Camera
2MP 25x Starlight IR WizSense Network PTZ Camera
> 1/2.8″ 2Megapixel STARVIS™ CMOS.
> Powerful 25x optical zoom.
> Max. 50/60 fps@2M.
> IR distance up to 150 m.
> Auto Tracking 3.0.
> Face Detection.
> SMD 4.0.
> PoE+.
> IP67, IK10.
> Anti corrosion coating.
DAHUA SDZW2000T-SL 2MP Anti-corrosion IR Network Camera
2MP Anti-corrosion IR Network Camera
> Starlight technology
> H.265 Encoding
> Max. 50/60fps@1080P
> IP68, IK10, NEMA 4X
> Material: 316L Stainless Steel
DAHUA SDZW2030U-SL 2MP 30x Anti-corrosion IR Network Camera
2MP 30x Anti-corrosion IR Network Camera
> Powerful 30x optical zoom
> Starlight technology
> H.265 Encoding
> Max. 50/60fps@1080P
> IP68
> Material: 316L Stainless steel
DAHUA SD60230U-HNI-SL 2MP 30x Anti-corrosion PTZ Network Camera
2MP 30x Anti-corrosion PTZ Network Camera
> Powerful 30x optical zoom
> Starlight technology
> H.265 Encoding
> Max. 50/60fps@1080P
> Auto-tracking and IVS
> Support PoE+
> IP68, IK10, NEMA 4X
> Material: 316L Stainless steel
DAHUA TPC-AEPT8441-T Thermal Anti-Explosion Hybrid PTZ Camera
Thermal Anti-Explosion Hybrid PTZ Camera
> Supports up to 18 color palettes.
> 4Megapixel progressive scan CMOS.
> High-precision non-contact temperature measurement.
> Advanced Image Processing.
> Explosion-proof certification: II 2G Ex db IIC T6 Gb/II 2D Ex tb IIIC T80 °C Db.
DAHUA TPC-AEPT8641-T Thermal Anti-Explosion Hybrid PTZ Camera
Thermal Anti-Explosion Hybrid PTZ Camera
> Supports up to 18 color palettes.
> 4Megapixel progressive scan CMOS.
> High-precision non-contact temperature measurement.
> Advanced Image Processing.
> Explosion-proof certification: II 2G Ex db IIC T6 Gb/II 2D Ex tb IIIC T80 °C Db.
DAHUA ECA3A1804-HNR-XB 8MP Explosion-proof IR Bullet WizMind Network Camera
8MP Explosion-proof IR Bullet WizMind Network Camera
*The parameters and datasheets below can only be applied to the latest generation of products released in 2023.
> 8-MP 1/2.8″ CMOS image sensor, low illuminance, high image definition.
> Outputs max. 8 MP (3840 × 2160) @25/30 fps.
> H.265 codec, high compression rate, ultra-low bit rate.
> Built-in IR LED, and the max. illumination distance is 50 m.
> ROI, SMART H.264+/H.265+, AI H.264/H.265, flexible coding, applicable to various bandwidth and storage environments.
> Rotation mode, WDR, 3D NR, HLC, BLC, digital watermarking, applicable to various monitoring scenes.
> With deep learning algorithm, it supports: face detection, perimeter protection, people counting, heat map, SMD4.0.
> Alarm: 1 in, 1 out; audio: 1 in, 1 out; RS-485; supports max. 512 G Micro SD card.
> 12 VDC/PoE power supply, easy for installation.
> 304/316L stainless steel casing, 2 m cable.
IP68 protection.
DAHUA ECA3A1404-HNR-XB 4MP Explosion Proof IR Bullet WizMind Network Camera
4MP Explosion Proof IR Bullet WizMind Network Camera
*The parameters and datasheets below can only be applied to the latest generation of products released in 2023.
> 4-MP 1/2.8″ CMOS image sensor, low illuminance, high image definition.
> Outputs max. 4 MP (2688 × 1520) @25/30 fps.
> H.265 codec, high compression rate, ultra-low bit rate.
> Built-in IR LED, and the max. illumination distance is 50 m.
> ROI, SMART H.264+/H.265+, AI H.264/H.265, flexible coding, applicable to various bandwidth and storage environments.
> Rotation mode, WDR, 3D NR, HLC, BLC, digital watermarking, applicable to various monitoring scenes.
> With deep learning algorithm, it supports: face detection, perimeter protection, people counting, heat map, SMD4.0.
> Alarm: 1 in, 1 out; audio: 1 in, 1 out; RS-485; supports max. 512 G Micro SD card.
> 12 VDC/PoE power supply, easy for installation.
> 304/316L stainless steel casing, 2 m cable.
IP68 protection.
DAHUA TPC-AEBF5441-T Thermal Network Explosion-proof Hybrid Bullet Camera
Thermal Network Explosion-proof Hybrid Bullet Camera
> Supports up to 18 color palettes.
> 4Megapixel progressive scan CMOS.
> High-precision non-contact temperature measurement.
> Explosion-proof certification: II 2G Ex db IIC T6 Gb/II 2D Ex tb IIIC T80 °C Db.
DAHUA TPC-AEBF5641-T Thermal Network Explosion-proof Hybrid Bullet Camera
Thermal Network Explosion-proof Hybrid Bullet Camera
> Supports up to 18 color palettes.
> 4Megapixel progressive scan CMOS.
> High-precision non-contact temperature measurement.
> Explosion-proof certification: II 2G Ex db IIC T6 Gb/II 2D Ex tb IIIC T80 °C Db.
DAHUA TPC-AEBF5201-T Thermal Network Explosion-proof Bullet Camera
Thermal Network Explosion-proof Bullet Camera
> Supports up to 18 color palettes.
> High-precision non-contact temperature measurement.
> Explosion-proof certification: II 2G Ex db IIC T6 Gb/II 2D Ex tb IIIC T80 °C Db.
DAHUA IPC-HDEW8441R-Z 4MP Explosion Proof IR Dome WizMind Network Camera
4MP Explosion Proof IR Dome WizMind Network Camera
* The parameters and datasheets below can only be applied to 8441-S2 series.
> 4-MP 1/3.0″ CMOS image sensor, low illuminance, high image definition.
> Outputs max. 4 MP (2688 × 1520) @25/30 fps.
> Built-in IR LED, and the max. illumination distance is 40 m.
> ROI, SMART H.264+/H.265+, AI H.264/H.265, flexible coding, applicable to various bandwidth and storage environments.
> Rotation mode, WDR, 3D NR, HLC, BLC, digital watermarking, applicable to various monitoring scenes.
> Supports the AFSA(Anti-flicker Self-adaption) function, which automatically eliminates flicker.
> Face detection: Track, snapshot, snapshot optimization, optimal face snapshot upload, face enhancement, face exposure, and face attributes.
> People counting: People counting in area, queue management, and entered/exited people counting; generating and exporting report (day/ month/year).
> Intelligent monitoring: Tripwire, intrusion, fast moving (the three functions support the classification and accurate detection of vehicle and human). abandoned object, missing object, loitering detection, people gathering, parking detection, heat map, and face detection.
> Alarm: 3 in, 2 out; audio: 1 in, 1 out; RS-485; supports max. 256 G Micro SD card.
> 12 VDC/PoE power supply, easy for installation.
> IP68 and IK10 protection.
> Explosion-proof mark II 2 G Ex db IIC T6/T5 Gb; II 2 D Ex tb IIIC T80°C/ T100°C Db.
> 316 stainless steel casing, 2 m cable.
> ATEX and IECEx Certifacation.
> SMD 3.0.
DAHUA IPC-HDEW8441R-Z-S2 4MP Explosion Proof IR Dome WizMind Network Camera
4MP Explosion Proof IR Dome WizMind Network Camera
* The parameters and datasheets below can only be applied to 8441-S2 series.
> 4-MP 1/3.0″ CMOS image sensor, low illuminance, high image definition.
> Outputs max. 4 MP (2688 × 1520) @25/30 fps.
> Built-in IR LED, and the max. illumination distance is 40 m.
> ROI, SMART H.264+/H.265+, AI H.264/H.265, flexible coding, applicable to various bandwidth and storage environments.
> Rotation mode, WDR, 3D NR, HLC, BLC, digital watermarking, applicable to various monitoring scenes.
> Supports the AFSA(Anti-flicker Self-adaption) function, which automatically eliminates flicker.
> Face detection: Track, snapshot, snapshot optimization, optimal face snapshot upload, face enhancement, face exposure, and face attributes.
> People counting: People counting in area, queue management, and entered/exited people counting; generating and exporting report (day/ month/year).
> Intelligent monitoring: Tripwire, intrusion, fast moving (the three functions support the classification and accurate detection of vehicle and human). abandoned object, missing object, loitering detection, people gathering, parking detection, heat map, and face detection.
> Alarm: 3 in, 2 out; audio: 1 in, 1 out; RS-485; supports max. 256 G Micro SD card.
> 12 VDC/PoE power supply, easy for installation.
> IP68 and IK10 protection.
> Explosion-proof mark II 2 G Ex db IIC T6/T5 Gb; II 2 D Ex tb IIIC T80°C/ T100°C Db.
> 316 stainless steel casing, 2 m cable.
> ATEX and IECEx Certifacation.
> SMD 3.0.
DAHUA IPC-HDEW8841R-Z 8MP Explosion Proof IR Dome WizMind Network Camera
8MP Explosion Proof IR Dome WizMind Network Camera
* The parameters and datasheets below can only be applied to 8841-S2 series.
> 8-MP 1/2.8″ CMOS image sensor, low illuminance, high image definition.
> Outputs max. 8 MP (3840 × 2160) @25/30 fps.
> Built-in IR LED, and the max. illumination distance is 40 m.
> ROI, SMART H.264+/H.265+, AI H.264/H.265, flexible coding, applicable to various bandwidth and storage environments.
> Rotation mode, WDR, 3D NR, HLC, BLC, digital watermarking, applicable to various monitoring scenes.
> Supports the AFSA(Anti-flicker Self-adaption) function, which automatically eliminates flicker.
> Face detection: Track, snapshot, snapshot optimization, optimal face snapshot upload, face enhancement, face exposure, and face attributes.
> People counting: People counting in area, queue management, and entered/exited people counting; generating and exporting report (day/ month/year).
> Intelligent monitoring: Tripwire, intrusion, fast moving (the three functions support the classification and accurate detection of vehicle and human), abandoned object, missing object, loitering detection, people gathering, parking detection, heat map, and face detection.
> Alarm: 3 in, 2 out; audio: 1 in, 1 out; RS-485; supports max. 256 G Micro SD card.
> 12 VDC/PoE power supply, easy for installation.
> IP68 and IK10 protection.
> Explosion-proof mark II 2 G Ex db IIC T6/T5 Gb; II 2 D Ex tb IIIC T80°C/ T100°C Db.
> 316 stainless steel casing, 2 m cable.
> ATEX and IECEx Certifacation.
> SMD 3.0.
> 1/1.8″ 2Megapixel STARVIS™ CMOS
> 31× optical zoom.
> Starlight technology.
> Max. 25/30 fps@1080p
> IR distance up to 100 m.
> H.265 encoding.
> Perimeter protection.
> Face detection.
> Wiper.
> Optical Fiber.
> Support helmet detection and helmet color recognition.
DAHUA ECA2A1400-HN 4MP Starlight IR Explosion-proof Camera
4MP Starlight IR Explosion-proof Camera
> Starlight technology.
> Max.25/30 fps@1080p.
> IR distance up to 30 m.
> H.265 encoding.
> 304 stainless steel housing.
> IP68. ATEX and IECEx certification.
DAHUA ECA7A1425-HNR-XA-F 4MP 25x Starlight IR WizMind Explosion-proof Network Camera
4MP 25x Starlight IR WizMind Explosion-proof Network Camera
> 25x optical zoom (5.4 mm–135 mm)
> Starlight technology
> Max. 25/30fps@4MP
> IR distance up to 100 m
> Perimeter protection
> Face detection
> Smart Capture
> Fiber port
DAHUA EPC245U-PTZ-IR 2MP 45x Explosion-proof IR Network Positioning System
2MP 45x Explosion-proof IR Network Positioning System
> Powerful 45x optical zoom
> 316L stainless steel housing
> Starlight technology
> H.265/H.264 Triple-stream Encoding
> Max. 50/60fps@1080P
> IR distance up to 200m
> IP68
DAHUA EPC245U-PTZ 2MP 45x Explosion-proof Network Positioning System
2MP 45x Explosion-proof Network Positioning System
> Powerful 45x optical zoom
> 316L stainless steel housing
> Starlight technology
> H.265/H.264 Triple-stream Encoding
> Max. 50/60fps@1080P
> IP68
DAHUA EPC230U-PTZ-IR 2MP 30x Explosion-proof IR Network Positioning System
2MP 30x Explosion-proof IR Network Positioning System
> Powerful 30x optical zoom
> 316L stainless steel housing
> Starlight technology
> H.265/H.264 Triple-stream Encoding
> Max. 50/60fps@1080P
> IR distance up to 100m
> IP68
DAHUA EPC230U 2MP 30x Explosion-proof IR Network Camera
2MP 30x Explosion-proof IR Network Camera
> Powerful 30x optical zoom
> 304 stainless steel housing
> Starlight technology
> H.265 Encoding
> Max. 50/60fps@1080P
> Support IVS
> IR distance up to 100m
> ATEX and IECEx Certifacation
> IP68
DAHUA EPC230U-PTZ 2MP 30x Explosion-proof Network Positioning System
2MP 30x Explosion-proof Network Positioning System
> Powerful 30x optical zoom
> 316L stainless steel housing
> Starlight technology
> H.265/H.264 Triple-stream Encoding
> Max. 50/60fps@1080P
> IP68
CCTV-MALL e DAHUA: Uma Parceria Sólida
A CCTV-MALL é um parceiro de confiança da DAHUA, oferecendo uma ampla seleção de produtos DAHUA a clientes em todo o mundo. Como distribuidor autorizado, a CCTV-MALL garante que os clientes recebam produtos DAHUA genuínos juntamente com excelente atendimento ao cliente e suporte técnico. Esta parceria garante acesso às mais recentes inovações em tecnologia de vigilância.
Para mais informações sobre as câmeras DAHUA e para explorar a gama completa de produtos, visite CCTV-MALL ou entre em contato pelo email Com a expertise da CCTV-MALL e a tecnologia de ponta da DAHUA, você pode construir um sistema de vigilância completo e confiável, adaptado às suas necessidades específicas.
Em conclusão, as câmeras DAHUA oferecem soluções versáteis e de alto desempenho para diversas necessidades de vigilância. Seja para monitorar um edifício comercial, uma instalação industrial ou um local remoto, a gama de câmeras DAHUA garante que você tenha as ferramentas ideais para a tarefa. Confie na tecnologia DAHUA e no suporte da CCTV-MALL para melhorar de forma eficaz sua infraestrutura de segurança.
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